Atypical Truth is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to
empowering the community of people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Atypical Truth was inspired by the desire to cultivate a safe space for those within the disabled and medically complex community to explore a wide variety of sensitive subject matter and to provide resources related to caregiving. Through the collaborative work of supportive storytelling, the Atypical Truth podcast navigates an array of topics that pertain to life as caregivers, disabled individuals, and individuals with complex medical conditions. With each new episode and season, we continue to explore how these topics intersect with a variety of identity factors such as race, gender, age, size, class, culture, location, sexuality, and language.
Drawing from the experiences of growing up with disabilities and now as a parent of two children with life-limiting complex medical conditions, along with medical professional experience, the idea of Atypical Truth was conceived to address the realities of life as a disabled person and caregiver. Through the stories and conversations shared by our guests, Atypical Truth serves as a beneficial resource to all, helping those within the disability community to feel connected and understood.

Atypical Truth is an accessible space where all people explore vulnerable subject matter, free of judgment. Together, our community celebrates the smallest victories, revel in new discoveries, discuss shared obstacles, and learn helpful coping strategies from the challenges that others have navigated. Atypical Truth is a virtual story-sharing platform for the disabled and medically complex community to refer to when in need of finding their people, using their voice, and hearing stories that mirror their own.
For listeners who can relate to content that is shared on Atypical Truth, we hope for this podcast to serve as a platform to bridge the physical gap between our rare but shared lives.